Thursday, May 28, 2009

Winding Down

Well, here we are in the final week. It seems amazing to look back over the process and think about the steps that brought us here. Things have definitely changed.

We've taped our last interview, and it makes us put it all in perspective. We're in such a different place and have such a better outlook than just 8 short months ago. And we have a road map to knock out the rest of the debt. Then we'll truly have the income we ought to...because we won't be handing so much of it to other people.

In this final week, I want to thank our coaches Kim, Andrea, and Jayme. They were fantastic. I will miss them, and our meetings. We'll have to plan a reunion meeting. Maybe at Starbucks, 'drea. But then again, maybe we'll pick someplace cheaper. ;)

This was, and is, an amazing race (pardon the pun.) We've repaired our credit score by a ton, made a monstrous dent in our debt, and have plenty of savings now to start the adoption. We've bought a house we can grow a family into, and are able to provide a home for some renters. And best, we've got the tools to keep improving. In some ways, the race is over. In others, this was just a qualifying lap.

For those rooting for us, I'm sad to say that last big commission check didn't make it. It won't be here until the end of June. While that might have cost us a first place finish, when it does arrive it'll be going to savings, and we'll be working on our next race...our own Adoption Race.

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