Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Cost of Convenience

It's amazing what a little motivation can do to your outlook, and more importantly, to your results. We're going a little crazy right now with saving, and I think that's a good thing. We opt out of buying something, and instead of just leaving that money in the checking account, we go ahead and spend moving it to savings. We look at "extra money", and our treat to ourselves isn't to go buy a pair of shoes or a new video game, but to put it in a savings account, then grin and giggle about being closer to our goal.

One of the shortfalls we've overcome in our family is one of perception. "I can't afford to save." How many times do we tell ourselves this rationalization? I know I had worn a rut in it. Well, the truth is, I can't afford NOT to save. WE can't afford not to save. A shortfall or unexpected expense cripples us mentally, and we think the sky is falling. And sometimes, it is. Our setback with the auto accident is impacting the budget...but our coaches have taught us how to make the savings account as much a priority as any other bill...and that's a big difference...and in the future, we will have an emergency fund, which makes those setbacks easier to deal with by far.

The thing I've noticed most in this month is just how much we pay for "convenience." Fast food, delivery food, quick food, pre-packaged food, convenience stores: all kinds of expenses that we shell out because it's easier. It's a little bit crazy when you think about it. And in just one month, we've made some big adjustments to the way we do things. And honestly? It's just not been a huge sacrifice. It's just a reduction of consumption, and if that means less pie for dessert, well, maybe that spare tire of mine will thank me for it by going away.


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