Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Holidays

In this Yule season, the days have reached their shortest and are heading back to longer sunlight. In other words, the darkness has passed. Metaphorically, I can really buy into that this year. We reexamined the way we celebrate as a family: what gifts we give, what we recieve, what is important. And this year feels like a pretty bright beginning, even with some challenges.

We spent less than we ever have on a Christmas morning, but somehow this year was every bit as good as previous years, if not better. I've got the obligatory new socks and underwear, Jess made me a box of "why-I-Love-Yous", the niece and nephew had bright smiles, and we enjoyed each other's company. And even if it is cliche to say so, family and friends is what it's all about.

Of course, it's not all sunshine and lollipops, as we've had a couple of home repair issues crop up. This week, we have to have some wiring done upstairs, as the light fixture in Jess' closet, and in the hallway, have gone the way of the dodo. It turns out the circuit is old knob and tube, so it's a bit tricky for me to replace. Fortunately, a co-worker of mine does home improvement on the side, so the price tag will be less than it could have been.

Now we're heading into New Year's Eve, and the promise of a new number on the calendar. What will the next year bring us? Well, if the Race so far is an example, it'll bring some more saving and debt reduction. And if luck and perseverance hold out, perhaps there will be an addition to the family in our future.


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