Monday, December 22, 2008

Pick Up a Habit

When we think of habits, we may start to imagine someone who smokes, or incessantly bites their nails. Generally, we put a negative connotation on the word “habit;” but, by definition, it is simply a behavior pattern that has become nearly or completely involuntary (i.e.: second nature).

Some sources say that it takes 28 – 30 days to form a habit, but depending on how frequently during that time you are performing the act, other sources say it can take between 21 days and 6 weeks for the act to become truly automatic.

Our Savings Race families have been working hard to save, and have already learned new spending habits which will last a lifetime. You too can learn good spending habits, and like anything you’ll need to practice, practice, practice. In a few weeks you’ll find yourself making better spending choices and saving more money with less effort.

So next time someone asks what your worst habit is, you can wink & tell them, “saving money.”

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