Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Warp Speed Ahead!

Wow. It’s hard to believe that the year is almost over already!

As we prepare for 2009, many of us are making new resolutions. I haven’t yet made any personal resolutions for the New Year, but for the Savings Race, I thought it would be fun (since we’re only going to be involved for about half the year) to do a “new month’s resolution” at the beginning of every month from now, until the end of the race. Then at the end of each month, I’ll update everyone in a blog, to let you know if I cheated or succeeded. I’m also going to try to convince Jayme, Kim & the Bledsoes to pick a new resolution for each month, but since I like them, I won’t force them to do it. :)

*So I’ll start with my January Savings Race resolution: This is going to be a recycled one of sorts, as a month or two ago, while Jayme and Kim started their “weight-loss” race, I said that I would stop going to Starbucks for the Pumpkin Spice Lattés that I love. I cut back a lot that month, having only ONE “PSL,” but I still went there for other delights. For the month of January, I have decided to dedicate myself to NOT going to Starbucks AT ALL.*

We’ll see how it goes… please, don’t wish me luck, wish me SAVINGS! :)


The Holidays

In this Yule season, the days have reached their shortest and are heading back to longer sunlight. In other words, the darkness has passed. Metaphorically, I can really buy into that this year. We reexamined the way we celebrate as a family: what gifts we give, what we recieve, what is important. And this year feels like a pretty bright beginning, even with some challenges.

We spent less than we ever have on a Christmas morning, but somehow this year was every bit as good as previous years, if not better. I've got the obligatory new socks and underwear, Jess made me a box of "why-I-Love-Yous", the niece and nephew had bright smiles, and we enjoyed each other's company. And even if it is cliche to say so, family and friends is what it's all about.

Of course, it's not all sunshine and lollipops, as we've had a couple of home repair issues crop up. This week, we have to have some wiring done upstairs, as the light fixture in Jess' closet, and in the hallway, have gone the way of the dodo. It turns out the circuit is old knob and tube, so it's a bit tricky for me to replace. Fortunately, a co-worker of mine does home improvement on the side, so the price tag will be less than it could have been.

Now we're heading into New Year's Eve, and the promise of a new number on the calendar. What will the next year bring us? Well, if the Race so far is an example, it'll bring some more saving and debt reduction. And if luck and perseverance hold out, perhaps there will be an addition to the family in our future.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

What will the New Year bring?

Well, now that we are winding down from the Holidays and getting ready for the new year, it is time to say goodbye to old habits and hello to new habits.

The Bledsoe family is doing such a great job at putting more money toward their credit card debit and now are putting money into a savings plan. They have learned some great information and hints from the classes that they have taken and they are very excited about their plan.

As coaches, we are gearing up for the new year with our own challenges. The weight loss race will be in full swing as of January 1st and I am personally doing my own budget for savings and paying off some personal debt.

A New Kind of Present....

My sis-in-law, Cathy, told us that what she wanted for Christmas was a deposit receipt from our savings account. So, as gifts we gave my parents, my brother, and my sis-in-law receipts showing them the amount we deposited into our Balance Builder for them. Because of this, and our wise spending for everyone else, I am happy to report that we tripled what we normally put in the Balance Builder this month, and nothing went on our credit cards for Christmas.

I <3 my Family.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pick Up a Habit

When we think of habits, we may start to imagine someone who smokes, or incessantly bites their nails. Generally, we put a negative connotation on the word “habit;” but, by definition, it is simply a behavior pattern that has become nearly or completely involuntary (i.e.: second nature).

Some sources say that it takes 28 – 30 days to form a habit, but depending on how frequently during that time you are performing the act, other sources say it can take between 21 days and 6 weeks for the act to become truly automatic.

Our Savings Race families have been working hard to save, and have already learned new spending habits which will last a lifetime. You too can learn good spending habits, and like anything you’ll need to practice, practice, practice. In a few weeks you’ll find yourself making better spending choices and saving more money with less effort.

So next time someone asks what your worst habit is, you can wink & tell them, “saving money.”

Thursday, December 11, 2008

More Info on Scams

Coach Andrea brings up a very valuable point. Not only will they send checks, they'll send emails to you constantly. I've seen countless scam emails such as this, and here's something you might not know. The vast majority of these originate in Nigeria, the product of nefarious individuals sending out the scams at internet cafes, of all places.

A site that I like to visit to stay up to date on the latest scams is www.419eater.com I'm not necessarily agreeing with everything that goes on there...but suffice to say that if you want to keep the scammers busy getting scammed themselves, this is a good website to visit. At the very least, it's a great place to get an education about those scams you receive. Bottom line: if it's too good to be true, it probably is a scam. You haven't wont the Irish lottery, there is no Saudi Millionaire with no inheritor, and there is no cancer patient looking to give you his millions. Ultimately, the scams can be pretty easy to spot, once you look at them with a skeptic's eye.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If You're Reading This, You've Won!!!

Ahhh the holidays. A time when we get together to celebrate with friends & family, eat great food, open gifts, & spend, spend, spend! This time of year can also leave you feeling like you need a money miracle; and it’s the time of year when criminals are counting on it to fill their pockets with YOUR money.

Here’s how it works:

A mysterious check arrives with a letter informing you that you’ve been “randomly” selected to do a “Secret Shopping” gig; or perhaps you’re the recent winner of an overseas lottery that you didn’t play; or even still, maybe you’ve received a grand inheritance from a relative whom you’ve never heard of, or met, in your life. If this is the case then you are the newest, unwitting participant of a SCAM!

Very clever thieves create these checks (which look 100% real!) & send them to you in hopes that you’ll deposit the check & send them a portion of the money back via Western Union. Then, when the check is returned as a fraudulent item, YOU become responsible for the funds.

As a teller, I see this happen frequently. The thieves are non-selective about who they choose as targets, but it’s especially sad to see older persons affected by this situation. I even have one member who receives these nearly once a week and they’re made out to her husband, who passed away several years ago. Disturbing - to say the least.

But you don’t have to fall victim to these scams. If you receive a check that seems too good to be true, (as the old adage goes) IT PROBABLY IS! If you’re unsure, you can call the financial institution where the check was drawn to verify funds, or take it to your financial institution, and have them look into it. DO NOT DEPOSIT THE CHECK OR HAVE IT CASHED!!!!!!!!!! I can’t stress that enough.

The scam has been around for several years, but is still going strong because people are still falling for it. Truth is, they’re good at what they do. It’s your job to be better. Keep an eye out for this and other types of fraud this holiday season, and keep your money where it belongs – in YOUR pocket (or safely tucked away in your savings account)!

We've Been Spotted!

In the past 2 months we have gotten hilarious phone calls from friends as they have walked into the member centers and seen our large card board cut-outs. And the looks we get as we sit in the Mad River location on the bench next to the cut-out waiting for our weekly meetings are priceless. But last week we had our first "official" celebrity sighting.

We dropped by Tim Horton's for some coffee (I am proud to admit I might have weaned off expensive coffees!). I ordered my basic coffee and the employee took at a look at us then asked, "This might sound really weird, but are you two in the Savings Race at Wright Patt?"

We laughed and told her yes.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Back from Vegas!

Well, we're back. We had a great time, we met up with some friends from way out of town...one from New York, one from San Francisco. This trip has been planned for about a year, and we were very happy to get together and kick back. We did go out with a budget firmly in mind, and I'm glad to say we came out ahead. Here's a bit of what we did to keep costs down, but still have a much desired vacation.

First, we didn't gamble much. I spent $33 overall on gambling, and Jess spent $10. For my $33, I played Poker in a tournament format, and lasted about 2 hours. Unfortunately, I didn't place in the money, but I think I got my money's worth in entertainment. I don't think of a poker game as "I will win X dollars", but rather as "I will have fun, and might get my money back."

Another thing we did was to be very firm on our meals. The Luxor has a food court...so in the morning, rather than go to that tempting breakfast buffet, I went to the golden arches. $4.84 vs $16.95. Not a difficult decision at all. Lunch? Same thing for lunches. Ate cheap, with a mind on fine dining in the evening. Dinners? That's where we used our budgeted food amount for the day, and treated ourselves nicely, which I wouldn't have avoided. One of my favorite things about Las Vegas is the high volume of very good food, of any cuisine you might like.

Even in this, we went with some fluid decision making...we had planned on a very fine dining on Sunday, opting to go to Craftsteak. We discovered higher prices than we expected (over $60 a plate!), and it wasn't going to fit the day's budget. So, rather than follow through, we decided to downgrade...we had dessert only, and then went to a cheaper meal elsewhere in the MGM Grand. We saved a lot with that decision, and yet still managed to preserve the "experience" of eating there.

And for another very easy savings trick...we did a lot of the free stuff on the strip. We wandered around a few of the casinos, seeing their claims to fame...New York New York's skyline, MGM Grand's lion habitat, Venetian's Canals, and of course the Bellagio's fountain show. Grand total for all of those things? Zero dollars. ZERO.

We had plans to see two shows. We did see Cirque du Soleil's Ka, which I highly recommend. No, really, if you don't see it next time you're there, don't talk to me. You are not human. ;) An unexpected saving came up on Sunday, as we decided to opt out of seeing our second show, due to several factors, including Jess's back killing her (still dealing with the aftermath of the accident) and my getting very sleepy. We hadn't bought tickets for it yet, so, with good friends along, we just headed back to our room to hang out and jabber away into the wee hours.

Our coaches have really helped me learn how to stick to a budget, and can't wait to see what other great things we'll learn during this race. Now that we've had a relaxing time, we're ready to charge into the holidays and use this budget stick-to-itiveness to get out on the other side of them in good shape!


It's a Virus!

Well, sometimes a virus can be helpful. And I'm glad to say, we've been spreading a bug around amongst our friends and acquantainces. That bug is savings. And it's spreading.

It's a little bit awesome to hear stories from some of our friends of late telling us how they've changed their savings habits and budgeting methods. Not only are people watching us, but they're using us to fuel their own races. Granted, some of our friends are tired of hearing about our tips and tricks...but they mostly indulge us, and we have noticed they are putting money into their savings accounts when they didn't before.

This excites me. A lot. Not only are our good friends watching from the sidelines, they're participating. They're making the changes in their own budgets, and I've toyed with the idea of making a sort of unofficial race-along, with a silly prize for the winner. It's awesome to hear "I can too" instead of the same thing I used to say..."I would but..."

On an only mildly related note, we're back from Vegas, had a great time, and owned our budget. We came in well under the mark, and I'll be posting soon about the trip. They tell me that 4 page blog entries are bad, so there will likely be several. ;)


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Second Radio Interview with Larry Hansgen at WHIO Radio

This was just Great!!! We just had our second radio interview Monday morning with Larry Hansgen.

The Bledsoe Family just did Amazing; it was so perfect!! We had a lot of fun with this interview.

I want to send a BIG THANK YOU to all of our followers, Wright-Patt Credit Union's Partner Employees, and Mad River Station Member Center for reading and assisting with our Savings Race. We love having fans!! :0) Thanks again to everyone that has been so excited for our Bledsoe Family. I want to also send a THANK YOU to our Coaches Kim & Andrea for being the BEST EVER!!

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!!


The Christmas lists and sale ads are starting to come in, and I'll admit to stressing a bit already.

I love this time of year because I love giving gifts. I am trying to find the balance between saving/budgeting and being able to get the gifts I want to get for my friends and family.

We already made one "wise choice." We had plans to go on a cruise with my parents and brother's family for Christmas. With the Savings Race, and truthfully with saving for the adoption, we really did not need to be spending that money. So, sigh...we aren't going. It's for the best, right? Sacrificing a week in the Bahamas is nothing compared to the feeling of finally being able to hold our child. I need to keep reminding myself that.

This year we are getting one gift per family member (and really that's only 8 gifts) and then a few for close friends. Every year my mother and I make an Irish Mint Mocha Cream Liqueur. So, I will expand the yield and give that out in bottles as gifts.

Now Dave and I need to talk about gifts for each other...


Somebody Cue Elvis

Viva Las Vegas. When we applied for the Race, we had already booked a vacation (long weekend) in Las Vegas. We paid for tickets and room well in advance, and I'm happy to say we are taking off on Friday. We discussed with our coaches the concept of vacation viewed through the frame of the Race, and we're agreed that vacationing is a real budget item. Perhaps more so than everyday spending, you have to stick to a budget, watch your spending, and keep discipline. Vegas? Perhaps the ultimate destination to test one's mettle. I've been to Vegas at least once a year for the past 7, for business. It'll be different to be there on vacation!

We're meeting up with friends that have since moved away, one in NY and one in San Fran, and spending the weekend there. Now, when one thinks of Vegas, often the first thought (right after Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin and Elvis) is gambling. Spending money to win! Well, I'm a poker player, and I play poker for a reason. I don't like heavy risk. Most of the games you can play in a casino are designed for one thing: to make that casino money. Remember that, because I certainly will. You won't catch us this weekend at a slot machine, blackjack table, or roulette wheel, because I just don't want to throw my money away. You also won't catch us being silly with our money. We will not play games that are skewed toward the house...if I gamble, for instance, I'll play poker. And what's more, I'll do it with a set budget, and if I lose that money, I will be finished. This is something that far too many people don't do in Vegas, or any casino...stop. The "next big win" is not just around the corner.

Here's another trick I learned early. Let's say you show up with 20 dollars to spend at the casino, and you start off "up". You win something. Each win, whatever game you play, should go into your pocket until you've got that 20 dollars set aside. And then forget the 20 dollars. It doesn't exist, and never existed. That way, you're playing with Other People's Money. The flip side of the coin? If the 20 dollars is gone, so are you. Don't go for another 20...stick to the budget! Enough about gambling...Here's our game plan: sensible breakfast and lunch. Not eating the expensive buffet in the morning, no, no, no. We save that money, eat small and cheap, and then we utilize what we saved to allow ourselves a treat, and have a very nice dinner. We will see shows. (We have a 2-for-1 coupon for one of them!) We will see a lot of the FREE things in Vegas...the Bellagio fountain, the Pirates show, the Volcano, and wander around looking at the sights of the Strip architecture. We'll hike Red Rock Canyon. We won't buy pay-per-view movies in the hotel room.

It'll be a challenge this weekend to stick to the budget...but we have our game plan, and despite a whole city that wants us to spend our money, we're going to let that city show us a good time...but on our terms!


Open a Sub Account!

Opening a sub account can get you more involved in saving. A sub account, like a Club, or Secondary Savings account, can be opened right at home through online banking, or at any WPCU Member Center.

A Club account is generally opened for a specific savings purpose like Christmas, Back to School, or Taxes, and has a specific maturity date (time of year when funds will be used), but can be set up for many other reasons.

A Secondary Savings account is essentially just like a traditional savings account, which gives you the flexibility to save for exactly what you want, while allowing you to withdraw from it any time you want.

Both types of accounts can be named to reflect exactly what the account was set up for (ex: “Vacation Club” or “Girl’s Night Out”), and can help you keep track of all the things you might be saving for. They’re easy to track with online banking, and can be accessed through Call-24, as well.

Sub accounts are a fun little way to watch your money grow, and you’ve gotta love that.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Holidays are Coming!!

Can you believe the Holidays are just around the corner; it's that time of year again!!! It's the hardest time to save money and lose weight. :0)

It is exciting to see how motivating this race has become for everyone involved. The staff at the Mad River Station Member Center is very excited too. We even had a partner employee by the name of Amanda design a budget sheet for our Bledsoe Family. That is just Awesome!!! :0)

I just love the spirit and excitement that this brings to the Miami Valley; I feel blessed to be a part of something that is making a difference in our community.

I hope everyone is making their budget plans for the upcoming Holidays!! If you need help please feel free to visit your local Wright Patt Credit Union Member Center for assistance.

That's all I have for today; talk to you next week,
Coach Jayme

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Devil is in the Details

How often has this happened to you...some stressful situation pops up, you focus on it to deal with it, and you miss something important? It happens to us all, I imagine. And it happened to Jess and I last week. In a day of preparing to run an event on the weekend, and having to drive down to Middletown to pick up the now-repaired car, and trying to cram more into the day...we forgot our class. No, really. The mandatory class we have to take to complete the race, and we up and forget. Fortunately, we hauled ourselves to Huber Heights to take it there, resulting only in incovnenience to ourselves, and rescheduling of another meeting...inconveniencing others.

But what does this remind me of? Has this happened to me before? Have I missed the due date on a bill and gotten a late charge, forgotten to make a deposit, or something like that? Oh, yes, yes I have. And so to the list of lessons learned this race, I'm adding this one: the devil is in the details. Just because something pops up to claim our attention, doesn't mean we can drop everything else (outside of an emergency).

How many late charges have we paid from simple forgetfulness? Wouldn't those dollars be better used in savings, or paying balances, or really anything else at all? I think the answer is pretty obvious.


Get a Mug!

For weeks before my birthday, my boyfriend begged me to tell him what I wanted from him as a gift. Generally I’m not a very lavish person, but if I am, I spend my own money, I never expect someone to buy something extravagant for me; so I told him I wanted a coffee mug, plain and simple. I explained to him that most mornings on my way to work I buy my hazelnut coffee at the gas station, and I don’t normally fill it all the way up, because the lids aren’t great and it always leaks on me. So by the time I get to work, I end up with only a 16 oz coffee, and a hazelnut smelling hand. I figured that a mug would be a practical & smart gift, plus, cheap!

I figured he’d just go get one somewhere & that would be that. Oh no, not my boyfriend, bless his heart. He scoured the planet looking for the best coffee mug money could buy. *lol* He found a mug that doesn’t leak - AT ALL - and in fact, the company is so convinced that it won’t leak, that they put a clip on it, so you can clip it to a purse or belt. AWESOME!

But he didn’t count on the fact that it would potentially save me a LOT of money.

The first time I took my shiny new mug to the gas station and filled it before my workday, the attendant gave me the total - only 69 cents! It was always $1.09 before! Granted, I downgraded from 20oz to 16oz (that’s all the new mug holds), but that is a HUGE difference in price. I told the attendant, had I known there was such a big price gap, I would have been getting the 16oz size long ago. She explained that the reason it’s so cheap was because I brought my own mug, and they only charge for refills in that case. WOW! I never even thought about the fact that they might do something like that.

So to break it down…

20oz @ $1.09/cup – can be up to $5.45/work week, which can be up to $21.80/month!

16oz @ $0.69/mug – can be up to $3.45/work week, which can be up to $13.80/month.

That means effectively (were I to go get coffee every day of the year before work), I can save up to $96.00 per year! Not only that, but I don’t have to use one of their styrofoam cups every morning, so hopefully I’m helping the environment daily, too.

It’s amazing what a huge difference one little mug can make.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Little Things Do Add Up

Well, I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to be a coach and be involved with Jessica and Dave. They have been very excited and they are working hard to achieve both a savings and debt reduction.

Dave and Jessica are so very easy to work with and they take every suggestion that we give them and they literally run with it.

Personally, I am going through some issues and I have learned a great deal from being involved in this savings race. I believe that my kids are hating the fact that I ask the question: "is this a need or a want?" and when we pass a fast food restaurant, I will not stop. I am always looking for ways to save money and I am very much aware of what I am spending on the "little things".

Each of the coaches are giving up something to encourage Dave and Jessica. For the month of November, I have given up my daily breakfast stop. I am now bringing something from home for breakfast. Also, it helps when coach Jayme and I started the weight loss race as well. Stay tuned, we are having a ball.

Winter Coat Savings

Although I like to pretend that winter will never come, the cold weather makes it hard for me to deny. I finally dug out my heavy coat, and all the other winter gear, preparing myself for the cold that always comes too soon. As I threw my coat on, I shoved my hands in my pockets, and to my surprise found $20! With gas as low as it is (for the moment), that was practically like finding a free tank in my pocket! And thank goodness, because I’m running a little short before payday, and was looking at having to do some “creative accounting,” with my Christmas savings accounts. Now I don’t really have to!

You don’t have to wait for the seasons to change to start your “winter coat savings.” When you get paid, pull a little out of the check in cash (even if it’s only 5 or 10 bucks), and then stash it somewhere safe. Do what you can to forget about it (like the money I found in my pocket & didn’t even know I had). Next paycheck, do the same thing. If you get a raise, or a bonus, I suggest taking half of it out in cash and putting it in your “secret savings.”

With this technique, you may find that your winter coat does more than just keep you warm this year.

First TV Interview with Dan Edwards

This month is going by so fast; I can't believe it is already November 12, 2008.

Our Bledsoe Family is doing Outstandingly well; we had our first TV Interview on Friday November 7, 2008. This interview was Fabulous!! I had so much FUN and Dan Edwards, the reporter, was just Awesome!!!

He was so down to earth and easy to work with it was a pleasure meeting with him. Jess and Dave shared their story and events leading up to them entering our Savings Race. Their story was on how they met and became a family; it was so heartfelt. Please make sure and watch their show on Friday at 5:30 PM and Saturday at 11:00 PM ( Channel 2; WDTN ) this week!!! * Don't Forget to Watch! ( It is during the NEWS )

Dan Edwards even asked about Savings Race vs Weight Loss Race; cool huh? Now on to that topic; Coach Kim did loss 2 pounds last week and Coach Jayme ( Me ) did loss 3 pounds!!! Sounds good; I wish it was 23 pounds, but I guess I will start with 3. :0)

Talk to Everyone again next week!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Birthday Breakfast Blues...

I’ve been pretty out of touch with reality for the last few days, due to a HORRIBLE case of food poisoning, which I picked up during breakfast on my birthday. Although I spent a few days sick as a dog, I managed to save some money AND lost weight. Looks like I just jumped in on Kim and Jayme’s race, in addition to the Bledsoe’s. Hahaha. Okay, so I’m really stretching to look for a bright side of things here, but given what I went through for the past three days, this cloud needs a serious silver lining. It’s been a long few days, but I finally made it back in to work, and am feeling much better. Thank goodness!

Our Anniversary

I know, it's been a week since the anniversary. Suffice to say I'm not a "diligent blogger." I want to thank our coaches and the staff at Wright-Patt Credit Union for our little impromptu celebration. This was a good anniversary, a romantic, silly surprise. Which kind of sums us up, really.

Jess and I met at an audition for a show at Playhouse South Community Theater, doing Jesus Christ Superstar. This was years ago...don't ask me how many. ;) We were cast as a couple...the director had a "Babe" for each apostle. I remember saying to her "Looks like you're going to be my babe." If I'd only known. We became good friends through the theater, and did a lot of growing, even though we weren't a couple yet. We were in a veritable plethora of shows together, and eventually, slowly, realized we were crazy stupid in love with each other. Although technically, she knew that well before I did...I can be slow on the uptake.

Then came the time we did Into The Woods together. I was playing both the Big Bad Wolf and Cinderalla's Prince Charming, and Jess was playing the Witch. And I arranged the coup d'etat of romantic, silly surprises. With her family in the front row, and surrounded by our cast, the curtain call was interrupted...and I proposed to her there on stage. I'm lucky to have gotten a standing ovation for a wedding proposal...but luckier by far that she said "yes."

Over the years, our family has grown a bit. There's Kelton, our first cat...we sometimes call him the Prince of All That is Fuzzy. There's Alley, a cat we adopted from friends of ours, who was originally rescued from the middle of I-75. And there's Oberon, our German Shepherd, part cuddly boy and part home security system. And somewhere in our future, hopefully our near future, there's another surprise awaiting us. We don't know who it is yet, but someone is going to get adopted into this life of ours, and taught the lessons we've learned...and the ones we haven't yet...and we're looking forward to what's called "Gotcha day", to the completion of the first adoption.

It's important to know the goal, and to remember the steps you took to get there.


The Cost of Convenience

It's amazing what a little motivation can do to your outlook, and more importantly, to your results. We're going a little crazy right now with saving, and I think that's a good thing. We opt out of buying something, and instead of just leaving that money in the checking account, we go ahead and spend it...by moving it to savings. We look at "extra money", and our treat to ourselves isn't to go buy a pair of shoes or a new video game, but to put it in a savings account, then grin and giggle about being closer to our goal.

One of the shortfalls we've overcome in our family is one of perception. "I can't afford to save." How many times do we tell ourselves this rationalization? I know I had worn a rut in it. Well, the truth is, I can't afford NOT to save. WE can't afford not to save. A shortfall or unexpected expense cripples us mentally, and we think the sky is falling. And sometimes, it is. Our setback with the auto accident is impacting the budget...but our coaches have taught us how to make the savings account as much a priority as any other bill...and that's a big difference...and in the future, we will have an emergency fund, which makes those setbacks easier to deal with by far.

The thing I've noticed most in this month is just how much we pay for "convenience." Fast food, delivery food, quick food, pre-packaged food, convenience stores: all kinds of expenses that we shell out because it's easier. It's a little bit crazy when you think about it. And in just one month, we've made some big adjustments to the way we do things. And honestly? It's just not been a huge sacrifice. It's just a reduction of consumption, and if that means less pie for dessert, well, maybe that spare tire of mine will thank me for it by going away.



Well, on Monday, I did a very good job of controlling my impulse buys. I was at Joann's and they had the most adorable fabric. It was multi colored (mostly autumn colors) and had swallows flying all over it. It was even on sale! I immediately grabbed it and started to think of all the things I could make with it. Maybe a cool purse! "No Jess, put it down. That's $20+ you don't need to spend." So I purchased what I was there for (and only what I was there for) and ran to Flower Factory to pick up the one thing I needed there. Again I was faced with temptations! But walked out of Flower Factory having only purchased the one item I had gone there for.

And Monday night, Dave and I made the hard decision to not audition for a musical. A few factors went into this decision, one being the money we could save. The gas to Kettering and back 4 times a week, the occassionally eating out with the cast, or the fast food quick dinner on the way to rehearsal. Yeah, that's all money we can save. So, we are going to figure out how much money we are saving by *not* doing the show and deposit that in our savings account over the next two months (the rehearsal period).


Monday, November 3, 2008

Savings Race vs. Weight Loss Race

It has been almost a month now since the Savings Race began. The Bledsoe family is increasing their savings and reducing their debt daily. I am so proud of them!!!

It has inspired me in so many ways. It has made me make changes in my own life too. Coach Kim and I have began our own race ( The Weight Loss Race ) with Coach Andrea as our "Enforcer" to keep us on track! The motivation for this was given to us by the Bledsoe Family. Thanks Jess & Dave!!! :0)

Our Weight Loss Race started November 3, 2008. Wish us LUCK!!!

We will be using the same techniques as Jessica & Dave have used so successfully. These techniques are:
  • Setting Goals
  • Making a Plan
  • Being Dedicated
  • Journaling Daily
  • Working as a Team
  • Motivating Each Other

Let's hear it for Team Bledsoe!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An Anniversary to Remember

Last Thursday was our scheduled weekly meeting with our coaches. They suggested meeting at the corporate office instead of our normal meeting place. So, we show up and the room was dark, with candles, and a small table with a red and white check table cloth, and champagne glasses with sprite, and a lemon meringue pie (which was an awesome touch because Dave "opted out" of a piece of pie to put the money in savings instead). So all this because our anniversary was the 27th. And the topper, the complete "wow" moment: Doug Fecher was there with his guitar, and Tom Rice and they serenaded us. They played 4 songs for us and convinced us to dance. Wow!! really? I'm getting all warm and fuzzy thinking about it again. I love our coaches, they are absolutely wonderful and I don't think they could change in anyway to make me happier, more comfortable, more excited.

So yes, I am in <3


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saver and Bill Payer?

First, I want to say that Jessica and Dave are just GREAT!!! I love spending time with them during our " Financial Meetings ". They are Awesome to work with and it has been a pleasure each and every step of the way. This first quarter Jessica will be the SAVER in the family and Dave will be the BILL PAYER in the family. What does this mean you ask? Jessica is going to be saving extra money from each paycheck and depositing it in her high dividend rate account with Wright Patt Credit Union. Dave will be making extra payments on a high interest rate credit card; and then they will be switching roles at the beginning of each quarter. This will help Jessica and Dave become Amazing Savers and Outstanding Bill Payers!!!

What a Fun Night!

We surprised our family Thursday night with a small anniversary party to commemorate their 7 beautiful years of marriage. They had NO idea what was going on, just that they were to meet us at a different location than where we usually get together for our family meetings. When they arrived, there were some candles set up along the path to welcome them, and inside they found more candles, a lemon meringue pie (which we specifically got for them because a few weeks back Dave had been craving one, but opted not to buy it, and instead put that money into his savings account), three excited coaches, and two men – WPCU President/CEO, Doug Fecher, and Tom Rice, our Tech Services Manager. By now Dave & Jess are probably thinking, ‘What the heck is going on here?!’ They were very happy to find out that it was an early anniversary party for them. Doug and Tom have a band and were sweet enough to stop by to perform a few very sweet slow songs for them. After Doug and Tom left, and Dave & Jess were finished with their pie, we had a very brief team meeting, then let them go home to enjoy the rest of their night. We hope they had a great time at the “party,” and wish them many more years of happiness!

Happy Anniversary!

What a wonderful and happy couple. We so enjoyed Thursday evening and it was a wonderful surprise for them. Dave and Jessica are such a great family to work with and I am sure that they will be very successful with this contest. I wish you a very happy 7th anniversary. Jessica and Dave are very open to all of our ideas and suggestions and are very active in deciding how we can save money in certain areas. They have been great at filling out our logs and identifying what they have saved by making different choices. It is truly a joy to see them every week. We have all became so close in such a short period of time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Back to School

Wednesday night I attended a few classes with Jessica; they were the first of the WPCU “pit stops.” They covered credit reports/scores & budgeting. Both were extremely interesting and helpful, not to mention, eye-opening.

When I was younger, I had a credit card and almost ruined my credit completely. Once I finally paid it off years later, I told myself, “Self, NO MORE CREDIT CARDS!” That is, until Wednesday night. I learned that having open cards, with AVAILABLE revolving credit is actually very helpful for getting your credit score up. I actually hurt my credit by closing the card! Using it once a month, even if it’s for a tank of gas, then paying it off at the end of every month would leave a large part of the credit available, and unused. That means I could easily pay off the balance (with money that was hopefully earning some dividends in my savings account), and my score would be improving. Although my credit still has a few dings and bruises, after Wednesday night, I feel confident that it’s completely reparable; something I believed years ago would never be the case.

It takes a lot of discipline, but having a credit card doesn’t mean having to be in DEBT. It can help you or it can hurt you; like anything in life, it’s all in how you use it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

And so it goes....

This week has been an exercise on how to hold on to your goals even when the unexpected hits.

Turns out that the driver who hit me last week is insured under two different insurance companies. So, while they fight over who is going to pay for my car's repairs and my medical bills, David and I have had to get our insurance company involved and pay the deductible (which ironically and unfortunately turns out to be the same amount we planned to put towards our debt/into our savings a month).

We were still able to squeeze out the money to keep us on track, but it's going to be a very tight couple of weeks.


It never goes easy, does it?


Thursday, October 16, 2008

What a whirl-wind week!

Wow. What a whirl-wind week! Yesterday was a not-so-great day, but today was wonderful.

First the not-so-good: Wednesday I was on my way to Foy's with a few friends and was in a car accident on St Rt 35. The traffic was horrible and stopped suddenly. I stopped in time, but the car behind me did not, rear-ending me and pushing me into the car in front of me. Everyone was relatively OK, and it could have been much worse, but my car is undriveable and had to be towed. So now, for the time being, we will be a one car family. Now we have the waiting game as the insurance companies play the reimbursement game.

Tonight, we had our weekly meeting with our coaches; Jayme, Andrea, and Kim (can I just tell you how much I love them?!) and they gave us our goals. I am so confident that we will be able to reach and surpass our goals. It will be a change in our spending habits, but I know we can do it! We have been doing a good job on keeping up with our spending journal and it has already opened our eyes to our spending habits. We have also already implemented some saving "guidelines" that saved us $16 this past week. Every little bit helps us get closer to our dream of finally having a family!

And I have also promised Dave that I would not buy any shoes (unless I truely needed them, by his standards) until the race is over. Now that's a sacrifice!!


First Official Team Meeting

During our first official family meeting, the team discussed spending behaviors and current debts with the Bledsoe family. We were looking for ways to help them cut back, while at the same time, trying to make sure that saving doesn’t completely interrupt their LIFE. Collectively, we settled on trying to make a 1% reduction in their debts, and begin a 1% increase in their savings, and see where we can go from there. Their goal as a family is to work hard to meet these goals, while our job as their team is to try not to overwhelm them, and just give them our support. It’s a lot of work on both sides, but I feel that the final outcome is going to be so overwhelmingly impactful on all our lives, that it makes it more than worth the effort. At the conclusion of the meeting, we gave the Bledsoes some “homework,” and asked that they continue to be diligent in filling out their spending journal, because it’s important for them to see where their money is going, to determine if what they are buying is something they really need or just something they want. From there we can help coach them on the best places to cut back. More updates to come!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I can't wait to help the Bledsoes win so they can achieve their dream of adoption!

As a mother of 3, I understand the desire to have children, and I’m so excited to help them win, so they can achieve this blessing.

I am estatic about the Savings Race!

I am ecstatic, and looking forward to working with such a great family like the Bledsoes! I know that we will be successful in helping them achieve their dream.

We're Off!

Energy and excitement are fueling the Bledsoe team. Dave and Jessica, alongside their coaches, Andréa, Kim, and Jayme, are ready to save, save, save! They have dreamed of adopting a child, but the cost of adoption is so high, that it’s a major struggle. Winning this race will help the Bledsoes start their family sooner, rather than later.

They’re a fun couple, and you can tell they’re going to be amazing parents. They truly deserve this; I know they are going to be 100% dedicated to this race.

Our team started last week with a challenge for our new family. We handed them a “spending journal” and told them to keep track of EVERY penny spent for the whole week. “Writing everything down forces you to really look at what you’re spending your money on. You may look back at the journal in a few days and say, ‘I can’t believe I spent money on that,’ which might cause you to think twice later, when spending on a similar purchase.” Jayme explained to us. “I think it’s a great idea for everyone to start a spending journal.”

To launch the Savings Race, a kickoff party was held at the Gantt Member Center last Tuesday evening. Our family got a chance to meet and mingle with the four other Savings Race families, and meet some of the WPCU Coaches, Savings Race seminar instructors, and management.

We look forward to updating everyone on our team’s future successes, and hope that through the Bledsoe’s journey, that they not only learn great ways to save, but that their story encourages everyone around the Miami Valley to start saving, too!

Getting the Ball Rolling!

Off to the races...literally. Last week was all preliminaries, the first meeting with the coaches was Thursday night.

The kickoff "party" was Tuesday, and it was a good tone-setting. I was a bit disappointed that we didn't have the chance to meet the other families, I'm not sure if that's purposeful or just something that wasn't thought of. We did get to meet quite a few people involved in Wright-Patt, so that was nice. Got to hear a few adoption stories...it's great how people share their common interests/circumstances when they have them.

I did learn something amazing during the opening speech...the average savings amount put away by Americans is near zero? Aye, caramba! I can see the whole point of this thing, and I guess it's more widespread and maybe noble than I'd assumed, from their point of view.

We're already started, keeping a log of purchases. Ouch. We really do spend that much, day to day...and it's easy not to notice it. Of course, last week was a bad week, with me eating out a lot...setting up the Haunted Trail in Beavercreek keeps me out of the house in the evening. But that kicked off Friday, so we can go back to sensible food.
